What virtues do we gain from going to the temple? 

วันที่ 10 กพ. พ.ศ.2563

Dhamma Corner
What virtues do we gain from going to the temple? 

One of the virtues we gain from going to temple is the virtue of cleanliness, whether we are simply cleaning after ourselves or cleaning a larger area of the temple around us.

We become responsible for our actions, because we are taking care of our own space. We are taking care of temple property and we are also taking care of others. Those who come after us will feel comfortable and relaxed to sit in a clean and beautiful space.  

Being responsible in these three ways helps to build a more virtuous character. 

In summary when going to temple we practice cleanliness, gaining  responsibility towards ourselves, towards the temple property, and to society around us. In this way we create great merit and goodness is created in our minds. By cleaning outside our minds are also made cleaner and brighter on the inside.

March 1, 2014
Luang Por Dattajeevo


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