The 32nd Step: Conducting Celibacy

วันที่ 02 กย. พ.ศ.2567





The 32nd Step: Conducting Celibacy

             After the farmers pulled out and burned up weeds in the field, they have to be quick to plough as soon as all the weeds are gone. As soon as rain falls, they have to be quick to sow their crops. If they are slow in doing so, they will find that the weeds will grow up again worse than before (A manual of peace 357).

            Likewise, once we have burned up the defilements in our mind by practicing austerity, (keeping the Five or Eight Precepts, studying the Lord Buddha's Words, controlling the internal sense-fields, diligently practicing meditation, or the use of patience) we can find that our mind starts to become detached of sensual 
indulgence and laziness. Then, we may be able to ascend towards that attainment we seek. However, if we are slow or too lazy, our old bad habits can come back, and can be worse than before.

             The next virtue after the diligent practicing of austerities is the conduct of celibacy. It means to be free from sensual indulgence and to elevate our state of mind and behavior for ultimate liberation, Nirvana (Nibbāna).



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