วันที่ 20 กย. พ.ศ.2566


                     The Dhammakaya Knowledge (Vijja1 Dhammakaya) is a profound knowledge that deals with the 'Five Aspects of Natural Law' (1Vijja: Clear knowledge; genuine awareness; science (specifically, the cognitive powers developed through the practice of concentration and discemment); knowledge gained from the "eye of Dhamma"; it is the Knowledge that enables one to rid oneself of ignorance), the Law that governs all things (Five Niyamas2) (2Five Niyamas. According to Buddhism, there are five orders or processes (niyamas) which operate in the physical and mental realms: Utu Niyama, physical inorganic order; Bija Niyama, order of germs and seeds (physical organic order); Kamma Niyama, order of action and result; Dhamma Niyama, order of the norm, and Citta Niyama, order of mind or psychic law). They include Biological Law (Bija Niyama), which governs all living things; Chemical and Physical Law (Utu Niyama), which governs all chemical and physical matters; Psychic Law (CittaNiyama), which governs the functions of the mind; Karmic Law (Kamma Niyama), which governs the law of action; and Nature of Existence Law (Dhamma Niyama), which governs the manifestation of existence or reality. Knowing how the Five Aspects of Natural Law came into existence reveals the knowledge of how to abolish samsara, the cycle of rebirth. This knowledge leads us to the right practice and eventually helps us overcome defilements and attain Nibbana, thus freeing ourselves from the cycle of rebirth.

                 The Dhammakaya Knowledge is equipped with the 'Threefold Knowledge' (Te-Vijja), 'Eightfold Supra-normal Knowledge' (Attha-Vija), and 'Sixfold Super Knowledge' (Chalabhinna) — the higher knowledge known to the Buddha.

                 Threefold Knowledge comprises of the knowledge of one's previous existences, the knowledge of the passing away and arising of beings, and the knowledge of the destruction of all mental intoxicants.

                  Eightfold Supra-normal Knowledge consists of insight-knowledge, mental powers, miraculous powers, supra-normal hearing (divine ear), knowing the minds of others, ability to recall former existences, seeing the arising and passing away of other beings according to their kamma (divine eye), and knowledge of an end of defilements.

                      Sixfold Super Knowledge consists of the ability to perform magical powers, having supra-normal hearing (divine ear), ability to penetrate the minds of others, ability to remember former existences, having divine eye, and knowledge of the exhaustion of all mental intoxicants.

                   Luangpu dedicated his entire life to the study of the Dhammakaya Knowledge by means of the profound Dhammakaya meditation method he had rediscovered. He assigned a team of highly accomplished meditators to conduct meditation research on the subject. The outcome of their collective research revealed the facts that samsara had originated from the threefold division of consciousness: wholesome states (Kusala Dhamma), unwholesome states (Akusala Dhamma), and neither-wholesome-nor-unwholesome states (Avyakata Dhamma).

                         Wholesome states represent the faction of virtue (the "white force") responsible for giving rise to the creation of the "physical form" of humans. Unwholesome states represent the negative element, or the faction of Evil (the "black force") responsible for contaminating humans with defilements, illnesses, and negative kamma, causing them to end up in unhappy realms. Neither-wholesome-nor-unwholesome states represent the karmically neutral element (the "grey force").

                    The Dhammakaya Knowledge constitutes the transcendental, blissful, eternal, and pure Self of the Buddha. Dhammakaya doctrines can be found in the scriptures of all major Buddhist schools including Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana (Tibetan Buddhism).

                    The word "Dhammakaya" means "Truth Body", "Body of Reality", or "Body of Enlightenment". Dhammakaya Knowledge teaches that all sentient beings possess the Buddha-Nature, the inner potential for attaining Buddhahood, common to all people. It also teaches that the nature of mind is luminous, blissful, perfect, complete, and full of wonderful qualities, but due to temporarily being obscured by defilements we do not recognize it. It is only through Right Meditation practice and spiritual attainment that this true nature is revealed. This is known as "attainment of Dhammakaya."

                    Once we attain Dhammakaya, we will have the clear-seeing ability to perceive the ultimate Truth-the knowledge of who we are, why we were born, what our true purpose in life is, and how we can free ourselves from the realm of suffering. Thus, attainment of Dhammakaya is something that everyone should aspire to achieve.

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