The Great Teacher Chapel

วันที่ 16 ตค. พ.ศ.2566



The Great Teacher Chapel

                    The Great Teacher Luang Phor Wat Paknam (Phramonkolthepmuni) was a great meditation master who studied and practiced Buddha Dhamma with austerity until he was able to verify in himself the core of reality and purity. He was then able to teach others until they too were able to verify the Teachings of the Lord Buddha, following in his footsteps. Khun Yay is one of his leading disciples who passed down this wisdom to today's generation, and her leading student today is the great master Phrarajbhavanavisudh (the Ven. Dhammajayo) at Wat Phra Dhammakaya.

                    To show gratitude for the Great Teacher who rediscovered Vijja Dhammakaya, Phrarajbhavanavisudh (the Ven. Dhammajayo) and his disciples cast a statue of Luang Phor Wat Paknam in solid gold on Magha Puja Day 1994. The Phramonkokthepmuni Vihara, a Great Teacher Chapel, has been designed as the permanent home for his statue.

of purity and wisdom into all humanity. When humans attainDhammakaya, the secret to their own life and things around them will be revealed by the wisdom and the eyes of Dhammakaya.

                   For this reason, the founding of Phramonkolthepmuni Vihara is not just simply a permanent construction or a plain building as may seen --but is the place for enshrining the body of the Great Knower - Phramonkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro)
who rediscover Vijja Dhammakaya".

Phrarajbhavanavisudh (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu)

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