The Center of gravity

วันที่ 19 ตค. พ.ศ.2566


The Center of gravity

              We would like to introduce 'The Middle Way' technique. In our school we consider that meditation has the objective to calm our mind or even to let it become still, or to 'stop' our mind. It is better if we focus to a still point. If we focus to something that moves, it can help us in the beginning. Once we feel calm already we may like to progress to a deeper calm. Moving body parts that support us to practice in the beginning can disturb us in the later stage. To focus our mind on moving things may not allow us to be completely calm enough for the advanced levels.

               It would be more effective to focus to a still point inside. The best location as a still point to focus our mind on should be the center. Yes, it's center of our body. Where is it exactly? In physics, everything has a center. We call this the center of gravity. If our body has mass, it should have a point considered to be the center of gravity. It's the point to focus our mind on when we practice the Middle Way Meditation. It can be complicated to show how to measure your body and to calculate exactly where the center of gravity is located. To get an answer, experienced people who have developed their minds to advanced levels say the same thing: that the point or area in which they can develop their best experience is in their abdomen, horizontally in the middle between the left and right flank and midway between our umbilicus and our back and vertically 2 finger width above the navel. All high level mediators proved that this location works very well.

            To make it easy, you can imagine a cross of which one line stretches from your left flank to your right flank and another line stretches from your umbilicus to your back. You will then have an imaginary cross inside your abdomen. Then you Imagine putting your middle and Index finger horizontally on the center of this cross on the top of your index finger will rest your center of gravity.

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