To relax the body

วันที่ 20 ตค. พ.ศ.2566


To relax the body

                   It's a good idea to spend a few minutes to really relax our body because only a well relaxed body allows the mind to be guided to and stay still at the center.

                  Please relax first your forehead, then your eyebrows and eyelids. Relax the muscles of your whole face. Then relax your neck and your shoulders. Relax your arms, forearms, hands and fingers. Relax your chest, abdomen, thighs, forelegs, feet and toes.

                   If you relax your body well, you will notice that your body starts to feel very light and soft. It can be as light and soft as cotton or the air around you. Your body can transform to be transparent or empty. It's possible that you feel your body disappear or that you don't pay attention anymore to the existence of your body.

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