No time to meditate?

วันที่ 27 ตค. พ.ศ.2566


No time to meditate?

                 Many people insist that they are too busy and have no time to meditate. Talking like this, it seems like this person will be too busy for their whole life. How we can be free from busy situations when we can't offer a few minutes for our mind to have a break?.

                 Meditation can be considered the best investment of your time. Any minute you spend meditating only enhances the rest. When you meditate for half an hour, it might seem like it has cost you 30 minutes that could be spent doing other, more profitable activities. But after this 30 minutes you can do everything better. You see everything clearer and more precisely. You have a better mood. You feel better with yourself with others. With a bright and powerful mind, you can do everything better. Solutions conceived by your now-still mind can be worth more than many hours of Ineffective concentration.

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