World peace through Inner peace

วันที่ 27 ตค. พ.ศ.2566


World peace through Inner peace

                      We know the Nobel Peace Prize has existed for more than 100 years but there are still so many wars across our planet. Not many people we see in our daily life tell us that they are peaceful.

                      The solution to be peaceful and happy can be very simple. If each person can find their own peacefulness on an individual basis, we can avoid many conflicts and problems in our society. Just knowing how to close our eyes and guide our mind to be at its right place inside means a brighter life has already started. Real peacefulness can be created only from the inside. It originates with the mindfulness, respect, understanding, sympathy and empathy of each individual.

                  Peacefulness at the personal level, family level, community level or global level can be created by a genuinely simple method which we call 'meditation!

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