Attaining the Dhamma

วันที่ 17 มิย. พ.ศ.2567


July 21, 2546 B.E.
Attaining the Dhamma


          Today is the eighth day of this Rains-Retreat which is the season for attaining the Dhamma where the monks can see the Dhammakaya, the novice monks can see the Dhammakaya, and the lay devotees can see the Dhammakaya. We will continue to do the countdown day by day so that everyone can be highly motivated when it comes to searching for the thing which is the most worthwhile in the life of a human being. Eight days have already passed by. Not too many days are left before the Rains-Retreat will come to an end.


Every day, one has the opportunity to attain the Dhammakaya and see the Dhammakaya.


One has the opportunity to see the Dhammakaya several times a day.


Each time that one visualizes the Dhammakaya, one has the opportunity to see Him.

One has the opportunity to see the Dhammakaya whenever one thinks of Him.


         Sometimes one is not aware of these opportunities. If one visualizes the Great Dhammakaya Cetiya in the middle of one's abdomen, one will be able to see it. But whether or not one can see it clearly, that is a different matter altogether but one does see it. In the same manner, if one visualizes the Dhammakaya, one will be able to see Him. And one can see Him several times a day and every day. But whether or not one can see Him clearly, that is a different matter. It all depends on how refined one's mind has become. Ifone's mind is coarse, one will not be able to see Him clearly. But as one's mind becomes more and more refined, one will be able to see Him more and more clearly.

          There are many levels to the clarity and sharpness of an inner image from seeing an image less clearly and less sharply than when one looks at something with one's eyes to seeing it as clearly and as sharply as one sees things with one's eyes. The clarity and sharpness of one's inner images will continue to increase as one's mind becomes more and more still and quiet. So, you see, it really is not as difficult as you think at all.


          If you can visualize the Dhammakaya, then you can see Him. You cannot see Him because you do not visualize Him. If you eat, you will feel full. If you do not eat, you will not feel full. It is really as simple as that.


Devote Your Resources to Finding True Knowledge


          The one posture that is feared by Phya Mara and startles their entire realm of existence is the meditation posture. Phya Mara are fearful of a person whose mind has come to a standstill. It is truly unfortunate that humans on earth do not know their true life-goal. Therefore, they make mistakesn in their lives and so much of their precious time is frittered away. They continue to remain distant from their true life-goal.


          If everyone on earth knows that he is here to make clear the Path and Fruit of Nibbana or at least to pursue Perfections, things on earth will move in a positive direction. It is truly unfortunate that people spend so much time and effort to search for knowledge which is not truly beneficial. But if they devote their resources to finding true knowledge which can lead them to the realization of their life-goal, peace on earth will happen.

          But instead of devoting all resources to enable humanity to search for true knowledge which will benefit the self, one's fellowmen and the world, resources are being devoted to discovering newer and newer technologies. Such technologies may provide certain conveniences in that it may make life and earning a living a little easier.


           But they cannot take away achiness, pain, aging, sickness and death.Nowadays, more and more plastic humans are appearing as a result of plastic surgery which is being performed on different parts of the body. But it cannot hide the fact that aging, sickness and death are still with them. New technology creates many new ways of making money. Innovative products attract the interest of many and they become hot selling items. Those with inferior technology must try to upgrade their technology in order to survive and competition is fierce.


          Suppose one is very wealthy and owns a hundred houses, the fact is he can be in only one house at a time. Suppose one owns 1,000 cars, one can still use only one car at a time. One may own 10,000 gold necklaces, but one can only wear a few of them at a time. If one wears them all at the same time, one will be wearing something very heavy indeed.


          Delicious food can be eaten one bite at a time. One may own a hundred beds made of gold, but one can only sleep in one bed at a time. It does not matter how much material wealth one possesses, it is just material wealth and nothing more. Would it not be better to put all of the earth's resources together so that humans can learn true knowledge or the knowledge which enables them to make clear the Path and Fruit of Nibbana? Then, every human being will be able to attain inner peace and be free from suffering.

          It is that simple! And yet, it cannot be that simple because a force to be reckoned with is working behind the scene to dissuade humans from believing the Truth, from practicing meditation, from thinking correctly. This most powerful force is called Kilesa (defilements). And it appears as greed, anger, and delusion.


          Kilesa is a form of energy current which Phya Mara deploy to force human beings to think, say and do things as driven by their greed, anger, and delusion over and over again in a vicious cycle until their time on earth is up. And they have to undergo the round of rebirth in different realms of existence. Naturally, it will be very difficult for them to be reborn in the Human Realm again. But when the opportunity does arise, they return to the Human Realm thinking, saying, and doing
the same things all over again and again.


          Things are happening this way because Phya Mara are working behind the scene. Merit is a form of energy current which arises from wholesomeness. Merit motivates human beings to think, say, and do wholesome things. Merit is the source of blessings and all things good. The Dhammakaya and Phya Mara are still doing battle with each other. Do you want to see Phya Mara? To see Phya Mara, you must see the Dhammakaya first. The Path and Fruit of Nibbana is inside each person beginning at the seventh base in the center of his body. All one has to do is to keep one's mind still and quiet at the seventh base which is the entrance to the Dhammakaya. Once the Dhammakaya can be attained, one will be transformed from not knowing anything to being all-knowing, from being stupid to being clever. The secrets of life will be revealed when the
Dhammakaya can be attained.

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