The Rules Used to Decide What Is Good and Bad Kamma

วันที่ 19 สค. พ.ศ.2567



The Rules Used to Decide What Is  Good and Bad Kamma


       As mentioned earlier, Kamma is an intentional act which can be performed through the body, words, and thoughts. There are two main types of Kamma: wholesome Kamma and unwholesome Kamma. What decides if a Kamma is wholesome or unwholesome is its consequences?

         1. Consider the Final Consequences of an Action: The Lord Buddha taught that "Once an individual performs an action and does not suffer any negative consequences but feels cheerful and joyful about it, then the action is considered a good Kamma. Once an individual performs an action and suffers its negative consequences in the forms of tears and sorrow, then the action is considered a bad Kamma."

       2. Consider the Cause of the Action: The LordBuddha taught that "An action which is devoid of greed, anger, and ignorance is considered a wholesome Kamma. It causes no harm. It has positive consequences. An action which is performed under the influence of greed, anger, and ignorance is considered an unwholesome Kamma. It has harmful consequences. It causes suffering."

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