The above detail can be tabulated

วันที่ 23 สค. พ.ศ.2567



The above detail can be tabulated as follows:


  Unwholesome Kamma Wholesome Kamma
  Cause Effect Cause Effect
1 Killing Short lifespan  No killing Long lifespan
2 Abusing other beings Being sickly Not abusing other beings Being healthy
3 Easily angered Bad complexion Not easily angered Good complexion
4 Being envious & jealous Low level of authority Not being envious or jealous High level of authority
5 Not giving alms Poverty Giving alms Wealth
6 Being rude & arrogant A low birth Being humble & gentle A high birth
7 Not eager to learn from sages A low intelligence Eager to learn from sages A high intelligence


        The types of Kamma and their consequences given above are but a few examples of obvious deeds and obvious consequences. There is actually an intricate pattern of how every deed and its consequences cause us to be uniquely different. The most extraordinary physical appearance of the Perfect Man as seen in the personage of the Lord Buddha consists of 32 features and can be obtained once the Ten Perfections at all three levels have been cultivated to the fullest extent. Therefore, our overall Kamma determines our looks, our character, our intelligence, our birth, our level of education, our level of success in life, our health, and indeed every aspect of our life.

        The knowledge of the Law of Kamma should prevent us from committing any misdeed which will bring deleterious consequences. At the same time, it should encourage us to accumulate only good deeds for the rest of our lives.

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