วันที่ 20 กย. พ.ศ.2566


                   In the Dhammakaya meditation tradition the mantra 'samma arahang is used to help meditators calm their mind and bring it to a stand-still state. This is one form of mindfulness meditation known as 'Buddhanussati-contemplation on the virtues of the Buddha.

                    The term 'samma arahang' are made up of two Pali words, each with its own meanings. 'Samma' means right, virtuous, righteous, noble, good, blameless. 'Arahang means noble, holy, worthy, free from defilements, enlightened. Together, 'samma arahang means 'the Buddha who is properly enlightened'.

                   Understanding the meaning of each individual Pali syllable (sam - ma-a-ra-hang) which makes up these two words enables one to perceive a deeper and more profound meaning of these words. These separate syllables, when combined with other Pali words as appeared in various Buddhist verses, give a broad spectrum of meanings. The following are examples of meanings derived from various Buddhist verses:

                      'sam': Dhamma that benefits all beings, that defeats the cycle of rebirth; the Buddha who is self-enlightened. The stanza where this word appears, when recited, is said to have power to protect one from enemy.

                         'ma': Power to weaken the tenacious, the stubborn; power to overcome ego; the Buddha who is revered by all heavenly beings. The stanza where this word appears, when recited, is said to have power to subdue hardheaded people.

                    'a': Power to turn an idle person into an industrious one; to be endowed with virtues; the Buddha who has reached the end of suffering. The stanza where this word appears, when recited, is said to have power to protect one from dangerous animals.

                       'ra': To be joyous in Dhamma; to relieve beings from suffering; the Buddha who brings Nibbana to mankind. The stanza where this word appears, when recited, is said to have power to protect one from black magic or evil spirits.

                         'hang': To defeat evil; to delight in the means to defeat evil; the Buddha who has defeated all evil. The stanza where this word appears, when recited, is said to have power to protect one from weapons (as in war).

                        'Samma arahang' are sacred words believed to have power to protect the person who recites them. It was a common practice by people of the past to tell their dying relatives to recite these words before they passed away. This was a means to steer their minds towards a virtuous path. It is believed that the dying person whose mind is immersed with good thoughts has a better chance of reaching a happy destination after his or her death. Adversely, it is believed that a person whose mind at the dying moment is preoccupied with negative thoughts is bound for an unhappy realm.

                   In meditation practice, the mantra 'samma arahang is an effective tool to help calm the mind. Visualization along with recitation of a mantra is an important component in the Dhammakaya method of meditation. Luangpu Wat Paknam encouraged his students to recite the mantra 'samma arahang' on a regular basis, not only during meditation. The goal is to cultivate mindfulness through using 'Buddhanussati method to help the practitioner steer away from defilements and any form of wrongdoings.

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