Why Must One Practice Sila?

วันที่ 17 ตค. พ.ศ.2566



Chapter 3
Why Must One Practice Sila?

                    We practice Sila in order ...
                    1. To safeguard our life in the current existence, to protect it from the suffering, trouble, and harm that result from other people's misdeeds.
                    2. To safeguard our life in the next existence, to protect it from the suffering, trouble, and harm that result from other people's misdeeds.
                    3. To bless us with happiness.
                    4. To bless us, our family, and our society with peace and happiness.
                    5. To enable us to cultivate higher virtues, namely, Samadhi (one-pointedness of the mind) and Panna (supernormal insight as a result of elevated meditative attainments), which will lead us to attain the Path and Fruit of Nibbana.

                    Sila serves as a very strong bridge.
                    Sila has the most excellent fragrance.
                    Sila can be compared to the most sublime cosmetics.
                    The redolece of a person who practices
                    Sila permeates everywhere.

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