Everything Is Just Right When One Feels Content

วันที่ 26 สค. พ.ศ.2567

October 7, 2546 B.E.
Everything Is Just Right When One Feels Content



                 The Rains-Exit Day will be here four days from now. This Rains-Retreat has been designated as the season for attaining the Dhammakaya. Every person on earth regardless of his race or creed, whether he believes in the existence of the Dhammakaya, and whether or not he knows about the Dhammakaya, all have the Dhammakaya inside them. The existence of the Dhammakaya can be personally proven by anyone if the right method is used. Christians, Buddhists, Moslems and members of other religious beliefs have all been able to prove the existence of the Dhammakaya because they had given themselves the opportunity to learn about the Dhammakaya and to practice meditation accordingly until they could see the Dhammakaya.


                 They have all confirmed that the Dhammakaya exists and that He is truly sublime.Spend these last four days practicing meditation to the fullest extent. Do not let time pass idly by but fill it with worthwhile activities that facilitate your 
attainment of the Dhammakaya and make this time in the monkhood a truly memorable one for you.You have intended since the beginning of this Rains-Retreat to practice meditation earnestly, it is good to continue doing it the entire way. When 
you practice meditation, you should not feel too tight or too lax. Try to find the condition that is just right for you. Everything is just right when you can feel content. Your body will tell you, your nervous system and your muscles will tell you. If it is too tight, you will feel stressed.


                 If it is too lax, you will either fall asleep or your mind will scatter. If it is just right, you will feel comfortable and will want to remain in this state for a long time even if you cannot see any inner images just yet. In fact, you really do not care at all if you see anything because you feel calm and comfortable. This is correct.You will want to keep your mood good all day long whatever you are doing. If you can keep your mood good at all times, your wish will be realized because you will be able to attain the Dhammakaya. Just continue to keep your mind still and quiet and calm at the seventh base in the center of your body. This is neither too difficult nor too easy. It is difficult at the level that it can be achieved and it is easy at the level that one feels motivated to do it. Continue practicing and in time you will be laughing with joy. The cells on your face will be rejuvenated and you will look better instantly. Only four days are left of this Rains-Retreat and some will have to disrobe soon.


                  Therefore, practice meditation to the best of your ability. Those who do not have to return to work should not disrobe just yet. A Monk’s Life Is the Most Sublime Life of All If one enters the monkhood voluntarily because one believes in the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha and for the purpose of making clear the Path and Fruit of Nibbana but whether or not one can succeed, that is a different matter altogether. If one enters the monkhood in such a manner, one stands to gain a great deal of benefit. For example, as soon as one becomes a monk, one stands to earn merit which will last sixty-four Kappa (or sixty-four Earth Ages).It means that one will only be reborn in the Human Realm and the Celestial Realm for sixty-four Kappa provided that one does not commit any more misdeeds and that one does not commit such grave misdeeds as killing one’s parents, causing division among the monks, etc. Should one make a mistake and a misdeed is committed, instead of being reborn in the Hell of Mahanaraka, one will be reborn in its satellite site instead.


                    But if one enters the monkhood with the intention to make clear the Path and Fruit of Nibbana and after one has disrobed, one does not commit any more misdeeds, one will be reborn only in the Human Realm and the Celestial Realm for a total of sixty-four Kappa. In other words, the merit earned by being a righteous monk will ensure that one will not be reborn in the States of Unhappiness for a total of sixty-four Kappa. However, if one enters the monkhood for life and practices righteousness for the rest of one’s life, the benefit gained will certainly be much more than sixty-four Kappa. It may be 100, 1000, or even 100,000 Kappa. Should one be able to attain the Dhammakaya, one will become a monk both inside and outside.


                Now, the benefit one can gain will be countless Kappa.Should one also be able to learn Vijja Dhammakaya, then the benefit gained will be incomparably more. A person must possess a very large amount of merit for him to enter the monkhood with the intention of practicing righteousness according to the Dhamma-Discipline for the rest of his life. A person who enters the monkhood for a time must also possess a lot of merit.The benefit that one’s parents who rejoice in their son’s monkhood can last thirty-two Kappa (or thirty-two Earth Ages). It means that the earth comes into existence and comes to an end for a total of thirty-two times, they will not be reborn in the States of Unhappiness provided that they do not commit a grave misdeed or other misdeeds but continue to accumulate merit for the rest of their lives. The benefit will last much longer if their son, as a monk, can attain the Dhammakaya. But if their son enters the monkhood and they do not rejoice in his merit, the benefit gained will be meager.


                 But if they change their attitude sometime later, then the benefit gained will increase. It would behoove every parent to rejoice in his son’s merit earned by entering the monkhood.Entering the monkhood is an important matter. The saffron robe is the last and final apparel in the round of rebirth. It is the same apparel worn by the Ariya Personages. The shaven head is the last and final hairstyle. A Buddhist monk is the world’s role model in terms of how a human being 
should live. In the last and final rebirth where one is due to attain Nibbana, one must become a Buddhist monk whether one is a male or a female. There were female monks during the Lord Buddha’s time. These are the reasons why a monk’s life is the most sublime life of all. 


Day by Day

                  If one wishes to remain in the monkhood for a long time, one needs to do so day by day. One does not have to think that one will stay in the monkhood for twenty or thirty years. Kru Mai Yai also thinks about being in the monkhood day by day. One begins each day thinking that one will be a righteous monk, that one will observe the Precepts, practice meditation, cultivate insight, and adhere to the Dhamma-Discipline all day long.Before one falls asleep, one looks at one’s saffron robe and knows that all day long one has done everything one can to be a righteous monk. The next morning, one thinks about being a righteous monk all day long. One does this day by day. There is no need to think about tomorrow just yet. One needs only to be a righteous monk day by day.


                   A monk’s life is the most sublime life of all. For those who cannot enter the monkhood, they need to make a better resolute wish. The women that are now tired of the female gender and wish to be reborn a male, it means that their past misdeeds are close to being spent. Most women still enjoy combing their hair and do not mind being a woman. After all, there were examples of many righteous women such as the Lord Buddha’s mother and maternal aunt, the female monk and Arahat called Upalavannatheri, etc. For these women, it means that traces of their past misdeeds are still intact. But if one looks at one’s self in the mirror and does not like what one sees, it means that one’s past misdeeds are nearly spent. Do not 
confuse this situation with the case of a lesbian whose past misdeeds are still sending their ill consequences.For those in the monkhood, be glad. Continue to practice righteousness physically, verbally, and mentally to the extent that one can feel proud of one’s self.

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