Types of Kamma

วันที่ 29 สค. พ.ศ.2567



Types of Kamma


          The most important canons in Buddhism called 'Visuddhimagga' explain in details about Precepts, Concentration, and Wisdom. This canon provides the overall structure of Kamma and categorizes it into twelve categories and three main types as follows:

           The First Type: Kamma which gives its consequences as a function of duty.

           There are four categories as follows:

           1) Janakakamma: Good or bad Kamma which leads to one's rebirth.
           2) Upatthambhakakamma: Good or bad Kamma which has a supportive role.
           3) Upapilakakamma: Good or bad Kamma which has an oppressive role.
           4) Upaghatakakamma: Good or bad Kamma which has a destructive role.

           The Second Type: Kamma which gives its consequences as a function of strength.

           There are four categories as follows:

            1) Garukakamma: Weighty Kamma. It can be either good or bad.
            2) Bahulakamma or Acinnakamma: Habitual Kamma. It can be either good or bad.
        3) Yadasannakamma: Good or bad Kamma which can be recalled near the moment of death.
           4) Katattavapanakamma: Good or bad Kamma which occurs unintentionally.

           The Third Type: Kamma which gives its consequences as a function of time.

           There are four categories as follows:

      1) Ditthadhammavedaniyakamma: Kamma which gives its consequences in the current existence.
          2) Upapajjavedaniyakamma: Kamma which gives its consequences in the next existence.
          3) Aparapariyavedaniyakamma: Kamma which gives its consequences in future existences.
          4) Ahosikamma: Kamma which is nullified.

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