The Endeavours of the Arahants to Preserve Buddhism

วันที่ 12 ธค. พ.ศ.2561

The Endeavours of the Arahants to Preserve Buddhism

Buddhism has managed to grow and prosper to the present day, even though the Buddha passed awayover 2,500 years will continue to advance further, ad infinitum. The following is what LordBuddha taught to Ananda before passing away, “Ananda,after I leave this world, my Teaching (theDhamma) will be your teacher in my place.”

The Buddha blessed US with his Teachings and his sense of Discipline to carry us forward in his
place. The gifts he gave us have passed the test of time and shown themselves to be timeless. Dueto the relevance of the Buddha’s teachings, despite the passage of time, his disciples have been able to pass on the Dhamma to this present time.


Even more important, the determination and faith of Lord Buddha’s disciples, and their desire to
spread the Buddha’s teachings, are truly deserving of our respect for their , endeavours, so that
we may learn from their life story, and set them as an example to follow. One of these monks whom
we can learn from is Rohana

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