Pledging the Precepts

วันที่ 24 ตค. พ.ศ.2566


Chapter 9
Pledging the Precepts

                    In the past, one may have thought, said, or done things that one may not feel too proud of.

                    But today and at this very minute, one can start anew by making up one's mind to practice Sila.

                    Sila practice begins with the intention to abstain from unwholesomeness. One can go over each Precept with the intention to observe it as earnestly as possible. That is all it takes to begin Sila practice.

                    Whenever one has time, one can then go over each Precept leisurely to see how well one is observing it. The Precept that one has observed immaculately should be a source of one's pride and joy as one continues to observe it flawlessly in the future. For the Precept that one has not been able to observe impeccably, one should begin anew and endeavor to observe it as immaculately as possible.

                    One pledges the Precepts with the intention to observe them immaculately. Often times one is better inspired if one pledges the Precepts in the presence of the Buddhist monks.

                    One can pledge the Precepts out loud in front of the Buddhist monks as one prepares one's body, speech, and mind to observe the Precepts immaculately.

                    Sila practice begins with an intention and it is supported by a commitment.

Requesting the Five Precepts

                    Mayam bhante, visum visum rakkhaṇatthāya tisaraṇena saha, pañca sīlāni yācāma.

                    Dutiyampi mayam bhante, visum visum rakkhaṇatthāya tisaraṇena saha, pañca sīlāni yācāma.

                    Tatiyampi mayam bhante, visum visum rakkhaṇatthāya tisaraṇena saha, pañca sīlāni yācāma.

Pledging the Five Precepts

                    Namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammāsambuddhassa

                                                                                       (three times)

                         Buddham saranam gacchāmi
                          (I seek refuge in the Lord Buddha.)

                         Dhammam saraṇam gacchāmi
                          (I seek refuge in the Dhamma.)

                         Sangham saranam gacchāmi
                          (I seek refuge in the Sangha.)

                         Dutiyampi buddham saraṇam gacchāmi
                          (For the second time, I seek refuge in the Lord Buddha.)

                         Dutiyampi dhammam saraṇam gacchāmi
                          (For the second time, I seek refuge in the Dhamma.)

                         Dutiyampi sangham saranam gacchāmi
                          (For the second time, I seek refuge in the Sangha.)

                         Tatiyampi buddham saraṇam gacchāmi
                          (For the third time, I seek refuge in the Lord Buddha.)

                         Tatiyampi dhammam saraṇam gacchāmi
                          (For the third time, I seek refuge in the Dhamma.)

                          Tatiyampi sangham saraṇam gacchāmi
                           (For the third time, I seek refuge in the Sangha.)

The Five Precepts

                    1. Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī,
                        sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                         (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from killing living beings.)

                    2. Adinnādānā veramaṇī,
                        sikkhāpadam samadiyāmi
                         (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from taking that which is not given.)

                    3. Kāmesu micchācārā veramaṇī,
                        sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                         (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from sexual misconduct.)

                   4. Musāvādā veramaṇī,
                       sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                        (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from telling lies.)

                  5. Surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī,
                      sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                       (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from consuming alcohol or substances that lead to recklessness.)

Requesting the Eight Precepts

                      Mayam bhante, tisaraṇena saha,
                    aṭṭha sīlāni yācāma.

                     Dutiyampi mayam bhante, tisaraṇena saha,
                   aṭṭha sīlāni yācāma.

                     Tatiyampi mayam bhante, tisaraṇena saha,
                   aṭṭha sīlāni yācāma.

The Eight Precepts

                    1. Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī, sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                        (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from killing living beings.)

                    2. Adinnādānā veramaṇī, sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                        (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from taking that which is not given.)

                    3. Abrahmacariyā veramaṇī
                        sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                        (I vow to undertake the training of completely refraining from all sexual conduct.)

                    4. Musāvādā veramaṇī, sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                        (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from telling lies.)

                    5. Surāmerayamajjapamādaṭṭhānā veramaṇī,
                        sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                        (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from consuming alcohol or substances that lead to recklessness.)

                    6. Vikālabhojana veramaṇī,
                        sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                        (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from eating a meal at the inappropriate time (after midday.))

                    7. Naccagītavādita-visūkadassana-mālāgandha-
                        vilepana -dhāraṇa-maṇḍana- vibhusanaṭṭhānā
                        veramaṇī, sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                        (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from dancing, singing or playing romantic music, or attending  entertainment, wearing perfume, cosmetics or flower-garlands.)

                    8. Uccāsayana - mahāsayanā veramaṇī,
                        sikkhāpadam samādiyāmi
                        (I vow to undertake the training of refraining from sleeping on a high or large (luxurious) bed.)

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