The Meaning of Death-Proximate Kamma Death-Proximate Kamma is wholesome and unwholesome deeds that are performed soon before death or wholesome and unwholesome deeds that are recalled just before death.
Strong-Effect-Producing Kamma means very grave or very potent Kamma. It can give its consequences first and other types of Kamma can never obstruct it.
Kamma Which Gives Its Consequences as a Function of Strength
Destructive Kamma works by having a canceling or destructive effect on other types of Kamma.
The Meaning of Obstructive Kamma Obstructive Kamma does its work by exerting an effect opposite to the other types of Kamma.
The Meaning of Supportive Kamma Supportive Kamma is the Kamma which supports other types of Kamma in that it causes all the beings in the different planes of existence to experience suffering or happiness accordingly.
The Meaning of Reproductive Kamma Reproductive Kamma means Kamma which causes each consciousness to be reborn in a particular realm of existence such as the Animal Realm, the Human Realm, the Celestial Realm, etc.
Kamma Which Gives Its Consequences as a Function of Duty
The most important canons in Buddhism called 'Visuddhimagga' explain in details about Precepts, Concentration, and Wisdom. This canon provides the overall structure of Kamma and categorizes it into twelve categories and three main types as follows:
For individuals who do not subscribe to any religion, which include those that disbelieve in the Law of Kamma, the Lord Buddha gave concrete instructions for how they should live their lives. These Teachings were recorded in the 'Apannaka Sutta. Here, relevant teachings of this Sutta which will enable the student to understand the way non-believers in the Law of Kamma should conduct their lives. The student can then act as a virtuous friend to these people and help them to live a happy life in the present and to have a safe journey in the round of rebirth.
The law of Kamma is complex and cannot be understood by mere observation and consideration or conjecture. The Lord Buddha taught that the Law of Kamma is unthinkable and is beyond human understanding.
The above detail can be tabulated as follows:
The Culakammavibhanga Sutta: The Sutta which deals with the Kamma Principle. Lord Buddha said:
The Kamma Principle can be compared to Newtonian physics which states that to every action there is a reaction. This law of physics has to do with the physical world in that if we throw a tennis ball against the wall, it will bounce back. If we throw it very hard, it will also bounce back very hard.
Knowledge of the Law of Kamma has the power to elevate the consciousness of ordinary human beings to that of holy individuals. The following are the advantages which can be gained in this and future existences from knowing about the Law of Kamma.
It is a universal fact that humanity is divided as a result of different ideas and beliefs. Individuals that share similar ideas and beliefs seek to be with each other. This self-imposed segregation has been with humanity all throughout the ages. During the time of our Lord Buddha, there was a widespread of different ideas and beliefs. The ideas and beliefs of some religious sects were good, but others were questionable. The Lord Buddha made comments about these different sects, their ideas and beliefs according to how well or how much their ideas and beliefs corresponded to the Law of Kamma.
 According to the Lord Buddha, Kamma has four characteristics as well as four types of consequences as follows:
Samsara or the round of rebirth is perpetuated by the defilements which are inherent in all living beings. Defilements play a role in all of our action be it wholesome or unwholesome. The causes of bad and good Kamma are as follows:
As mentioned earlier, Kamma is an intentional act which can be performed through the body, words, and thoughts. There are two main types of Kamma: wholesome Kamma and unwholesome Kamma. What decides if a Kamma is wholesome or unwholesome is its consequences?
Comparison of the Tenfold Wholesome Course of Action to the Tenfold Unwholesome Course of Action and the Vehicle for Kamma
We study the Law of Kamma so that we can understand it, so that we can live our lives accordingly.

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