The Demise and Funeral
Khun Yay Maharatana Upasika Chandra Khonnokyoongpassed away peacefully in the morning of 10th September2000, at the age of 92.
Daily Abhidhamma Funeral Chanting was arranged from the 17th of September 2000 to the 2nd February 2001. Senior monks and executives of monastic orders from various temples throughout the country have performed the Buddhist rite of reciting Abhidhamma Chanting. There were 100 monks for working days and 200 monks for Sundays with thousands of
laypeople also in attendance.
The cremation day for Khun Yay has been scheduled on the 3rd of February 2002 following Khun Yay's wish: "Do not keep my body. Invite the monks to do the Abhidhamma chant- ing for a while, and then cremate my body"
Senior monks from 30,000 Buddhist temples all around the country, together with senior monks from 20 different countries all around the world, will be present in the final cremation ceremony before a hundred thousand laypeople.
Khun Yay Maharatana Upasika Chandra Khonnokyoong was born an ordinary girl, a simple life in this wide world. But her becoming has changed a great deal in the world. Her life was gracious and unblemished. Her virtue and kindness will stay with us deep in our hearts through eternity.