A Paragon of
Exemplary Virtue
Khun Yay taught her students to think and speak and do only good and pleasant deeds. She will always be a role
model in the hearts of her disciples, because she taught her disciples by example - not just by giving a talk. She told them again and again, "Do the best in this life so that there will be no need to redo it in the next life."
Khun Yay emphasised cleanliness. She explained that if we live with an untidy environment, how can we shield our mind from untidy defilements? An example of her cleanliness is that when she cleaned a chair she did it thoroughly.
from front to side to back, from left to right, from the top surface to the underside. All the temple tools and environment must be kept clean all day. She especially emphasised the cleanliness of the kitchen and the toilet because if we can keep clean and tidy in the most unclean and untidy places then we can keep the whole area always clean.
From the very beginning, Khun Yay set strict temple regulations to protect the monks from weakening. The temple's main gate close and open at set times. No women are allowed in the area of a monk's residence. A monk must receive guests in public rooms rather than in his cell, and male and female meditators are segregated on either side of the Dhamma Hall. All these rules are in accordance with of Khun Yay's directives.