The 8th Step: Artfulness in the Application of Knowledge

วันที่ 16 สค. พ.ศ.2567





The 8th Step: Artfulness in the
Application of Knowledge

             If you are to plant a mango tree, the benefit received depends entirely on the fruit it may eventually produce. In the beginning, the plant must grow a trunk from which come branches. Budding leaves are then formed and more time must pass before one can even harvest the fruit. It is true that at this time the tree produces no benefit to us. However, in order to reap in the tree's benefits which will come later, one must be properly prepared and this will lead to positive outcomes. In the same way, even though one may be learned, the knowledge is no more than a prerequisite to the benefits that can be accumulated when the knowledge is properly applied.


               Therefore, one's knowledge can be genuinely applied to oneself as well as others when he is able to transform the theory into practical skills.

            At the core of Buddhism, "artfulness in application" means "being wise in application." However, no matter how learned a person is, he can hardly meet success in life if his actions are without the artful application of his knowledge. Take this proverb as an example, "Overwhelmed with knowledge, one still does not survive." It means a scholar is not always a capable person because artfulness in application of one's knowledge takes true determination and skill.

                  The Characteristics of Artfulness in Application

                   1. To believe in what one does.

                   2. To safeguard one's health.

                   3. To avoid flaunting one's self in order to gain more knowledge.

                   4. To avoid laziness and display perseverance.

                   5. To cultivate wisdom under a wise teacher with good consideration.

               Caution: Ones should remember to refrain from only finding faults in others. Otherwise, one becomes what is known as the "faultfinder." This negative habit will inhibit one from achieving success because one becomes, in a sense, a coward who is critical of others. He himself fears criticism from those around him. As a result, this type of person cannot achieve anything and finally, through his cowardice, will lack the skills to perform any kind of work at all.



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