Each time we recite "Sama Arahung" in our minds, 
 While your parents are still alive, we should show our gratitude.
will help us get to our goal faster
is a mark of a good person
And feel like you are giving to yourself
that anyone can attain All we need to do is gently
Happiness... doesn't need to be very big
believe in the good deeds you have done
We just need to be content, gently close our eyes,
world peace?  Let’s imagine that everyone in the world, not just in Thailand, but each individual around the world,
We are not just born to this world for only seeking wealth and prosperity but also, to stop the suffering and the cycle of life
to be comfortably and relaxed in every round of the meditation practice.
to advise us or point out our faults,
Practise meditation every day. Practise consistently.

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