The 14th Step: Not Leaving One's Work Undone

วันที่ 19 สค. พ.ศ.2567





The 14th Step: Not Leaving One's Work Undone

             All people are born with inescapable duties to perform. We have the duty to be a daughter or son, brother or sister, a student, a husband, a wife, a monk, or servant, etc.

           Each status has its own responsibility that needs to be fulfilled during that particular stage of life. If individuals do not take on their responsibilities, they are considered to be deficient or irresponsible. Illustrative examples include some may have done their work but left it incomplete. Some completed their work, but the work is not well done. Some completed their work with full capability but worked illegally. Such tasks will only lead to devastation.


             Hence, we must make sure that we fulfill our task to the best of our ability, doing it with right view, right understanding, and in accordance to what is required. By having our work done completely and successfully, we can improve ourselves and our environment.



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