The 23rd Step: Humility

วันที่ 26 สค. พ.ศ.2567





The 23rd Step: Humility

               Sandy soil becomes broken into individual clods dur-ing the drought of the dry season-but even when the rains come, although the ground is moistened, the soil will still remain rigidly cracked in its clod.

                Deadwood is tough and brittle. It will not yield to the wind. If the wind gets stronger, it will remain unmoved. However, if there is a gale, it will break in two. Pushed to its limits, the damage to deadwood is irreparable. No matter how much more water or fertilizer you give it, it will not come back to life.

             By contrast, greenwood is soft and flexible. In a breeze, it will bend and twist with the wind. If the wind gets strong, then it will double over - and even become parallel with the ground (A manual of peace 266). worse, he might disregard others and display his stubbornness towards them. With this impurity of mind, he misses all opportunities to learn to absorb virtues andgoodness from the good. It means that he has lost the benefits that he was supposed to have gained by associating with them. From this, disharmony in the group will follow

              For one who truly realizes and respects on other's virtue a nd goodness, he is considered to be an extraordinary person. His uplifting mind sees this truth. He extensively opens to accept the other's virtue into his mind. With his positive mental attributes and pure mind, he has respect for others and is morally abiding.



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