The 17th Step: Looking After One's Extended Family

วันที่ 20 สค. พ.ศ.2567





The 17th Step: Looking After One's Extended Family

               The trees that stand together in the forest will help each other by mutually giving support from gales and storms. On the other hand, a lone tree will have to endure the strong winds alone and is more likely to collapse from lack of support.

                Relatives can be defined as ones who are close and reliable to us. Looking after one's extended family is to give aid to our relatives when in need.

                There are four calamities in human life: birth, old age, illness, and death. Although we may be wealthy, if we do not utilize our wealth by helping our relatives, it is of no value or meaning to anyone. Eventually, the property or wealth will lose its value and usefulness and finally return to the earth from where it came.


               The world will be worth living when we treat all other beings as our own relatives. We should, at least, support our actual relatives for their continued well-being. Upon completing this we can expand our hearts to others and treat all people as our extensive family. As a result, the earth will be more calm and peaceful. 







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