The 16th Step: Dhamma Practice

วันที่ 20 สค. พ.ศ.2567





The 16th Step: Dhamma Practice

                Before we come to know what is good or bad, meritorious or unmeritorious, we have already committed evil deeds. Once the retribution of these negative actions manifests itself, it is almost too late to perform acts of penance and reform ourselves. But even if we could promptly correct ourselves, the seed of the bad actions that still remains can cause obstacles in our lives. On the other side, one who has never performed evil deeds will live out his life peacefully.

               Therefore, the way to prevent bad fruit and undo the pattern of negative occurrences in life is to practice Dhamma and know the "Tenfold Path of Wholesomeness." These ten steps are:


                  1) To absolutely abstain from killing or taking the lives of other beings.

                  2) To absolutely abstain from stealing.

                  3) To absolutely abstain from adultery.

                  4) To absolutely abstain from false speech.

                5) To absolutely abstain from making sarcastic remarks; instead, use words that are conducive to harmony.

                6) To absolutely abstain from using foul language; instead, use words that are kind, gentle, and encouraging.

              7) To absolutely abstain from telling tales and slandering; instead, use words that are of use to others, rational, dependable on, and appropriate to the occasion.

                    8) To absolutely abstain from covetous thoughts.

                    9) To absolutely abstain from vengeful thoughts.

                10) Cultivate the 'Right View' in regards to how the world works and the reality of life.

             One, who achieves the "Tenfold Path of Wholesomeness," purifies his physical, verbal, and mental means. As a result, his body and mind are always clear and bright.


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