The 24th Step: Contentment

วันที่ 28 สค. พ.ศ.2567





The 24th Step: Contentment

                   A hungry dog gets to eat gruel for seven days, and then on the 8 day, it has a craving for rice. After having eaten rice for another seven days, the next following day It craves for food with more substance; then it had food with more substance for another seven days.

                      After that it was discontent with gruel, rice, and even better food that it had received, it started looking forward to eat at the same table as the owner. This kind of dog is unworthy of being taken care of, and should be chased away.

                       Not knowing moderation can be compared to a disease which can occur in both the human and animal race. No matter whom the individuals are, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, male or female, when one habitually is


                    Metaphorically, an arrogant person or one without humility, is like one who cannot be united with others, like the rigidly cracked clod or deadwood.

                The word "humility" derives from "nivāta" in Pali language. This is translated to mean "without air" or "not inflated with air."

          Humility means humbleness with the absence ofself-importance, rebelliousness, arrogance, and insult. And without conduct similar to those who act with superiority, haughtiness, and arrogance towards others.



         Being discontent is a condition that can perpetuate one's mind. It can develop from something as insignificant as desiring another's possessions, or desiring a higher status or position, to actually engaging in unscrupulous actions like prostitution, unnecessary begging, taking advantage of others, or selling drugs. Such dishonest actions bring about restlessness and anxiety to the doer.

                 Therefore, we should cultivate contentment with whatever we have, in other words, knowing enough or knowing moderation.


Types of Contentment


Contentment is divided into three different characteristics. They are:

                1. Contentment with what one already has and does not have a mind to possess things that belong to others.

              2. Contentment with what one receives. Sometimes you do not get the desired effect from reaching your goals; even so, you should be happy with the resulting outcome.


                 3. Contentment with what is appropriate for one-self to have. Consider what you currently have and what you will receive in the future. If the possessions are too abundant for one's status, he should not take it, and vise versa. possessed by discontentment, a good individual can become bad.




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