The 30th Step: Regular Discussion of Dhamma

วันที่ 30 สค. พ.ศ.2567





The 30th Step: Regular Discussion of Dhamma

              It is a fact that humans have to face many problems in life. These problems must be solved with wisdom (pañña). Because of this, many people wish to acquire it. One who is full of wisdom is like having a wishing crystal that makes it easy for him to overcome problems and difficulties.

                 Two main sources of acquiring wisdom are:

                 1) By listening to the wise ones who are enlightened.

                 2) By thoroughly reflecting on what one has heard (of Dhamma).

             In addition, another shortcut to rapidly possess wisdom is to regularly discuss Dhamma. In this way, it drives a person to interact two ways when Dhamma is being communicated: by talking and listening to others. In Dhamma discussions, he would be simultaneously listening and thoroughly reflecting on them with carefulness. Otherwise, the result would yield more disadvantages rather than advantages.

                  What is regular discussion of Dhamma?

            It means the discussion and questioning of Dhamma between at least two people. It is constructive to helping one to recognize what is good, so as to do more, and what is evil so that one can cease doing it. As a result, he will be reminded of accumulating good deeds and abstaining from the bad ones. Moreover, he will recognize what is indeterminate (Abyākata-Dhamma); a fact of nature that is neither good nor bad. However, he must be able to ascertain how it works in order to protect his right view from misunderstanding which leads to suffering. Instead, he must be a recipient of joyfulness, happiness, and prosperity as fruitful merit in return for opening his mind. Knowing when to choose and manage time is a key factor in accumulating merit.



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