Summary and The End Pages to Happiness

วันที่ 13 กย. พ.ศ.2567





Summary and The End

Pages to Happiness



          Those who wish happiness in this life, the next life and the most happiness, have to develop themselves by following these steps to happiness to extinguish all thedefilements to reach Nirvana:

         1) Do not associate with the Fool but associate with the Wise. Pay respect to those worthy of our respect and depend on their suggestions for the best ways of life.

            2) Living in a suitable location and having performed good deeds in the past should help to remind us to take pleasure in doing good deeds and properly setting ourselves up in life.

           3) Keeping in mind that we should learn to be
'learned', use artfulness for the application of knowledge, as well as in conduct and in speech, and be proper with regards to discipline.


           4) When being a laity, we have to pay old debts by cherishing our parents, pay new debts by cherishing our children and spouses, and establishing good status in life by not leaving our work undone.

           5) Working to gain merit by generosity, taking refuge, practicing righteousness, acquiring knowledge, developing the capacity of looking after our extended family, and helping others with blameless work.

          6) Refraining from harming others by the avoidance of all evil. Refraining from harming ourselves with the avoidance of drinking alcohol, while enhancing good deeds with carefulness in all Dhamma.

         7) Developing ourselves to fulfill our responsibilities, paying respect to those worthy ones, and practicing humility. Establishing ourselves with dignity, and being righteous people with gratitude. Avoiding sloth and apathy by listening to Dhamma in the right occasion.

           8) Preventing, ridding, and controlling all disasters with patience. Having self-reliance with a kind, docile personality. Following the path by meeting monks and being free from doubt with Dhamma conversation.

         9) Attainment of the Four Noble Truths and Nirvana by purifying ourselves, practicing the precepts with religious austerity, engaging in ascetic practice that includes retreating and controlling of the senses, and purifying the mind with celibacy conduct which is one of the required monastic observances.

        10) After attaining Enlightenment, the mind will not be preoccupied by worldly vicissitudes, not stuck in grief; the mind will be liberated from all passions. Then, the mind can experience true happiness.

           One who is jubilant will not lose anywhere but will get luck everywhere. In case we do not attain Enlightenment, we can always make merit by performing good deeds so that they will carry over the next life. At that time, we will be happy and have a virtuous life until we will meet the most eternal happiness which is beyond the Three Universal Characteristics: Impermanence, Suffering, and Not-Self. This true happiness is known as Nirvana.


The End

            "Pages to Happiness" may not be what your first expect when you start reading it. The theme of this book is to explain the reality of the world and life. It tells us that no matter how long we have remained in the Round of Rebirth, we can know what we have to do in order to attain real happiness.

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